Friday, March 12, 2010

What is the relationship between Natural STONE, countertops AND THE ENVIRONMENT

Natural STONE, countertops AND THE ENVIRONMENT

 Most formations of stone are huge batholiths (large mass of intrusive igneous rock believed to have solidified deep within the earth). Quarry locations are tiny in comparison to the size of these formations. Natural Stone Counters Destin

   However, the Namibian Desert has an almost mystical landscape. There are giant dunes, vistas of rocky hills and dry riverbeds frequented by ostriches and springhok. To preserve the beauty of the desert, quarrying sites are limited to designated areas. Prior to the start of any quarrying activities, an environmental plan must be submitted and approved by the Ministry of Mines. The plan must define the procedures of quarrying that will best protect and minimize our presence in the desert. The quarries are continually monitored to ensure procedures are being followed, and to determine where and how they can be improved upon. The Africa Range is presently working to become ISO rated for its environmental standards. A strong commitment to minimizing environmental impact and working closely with the government of Namibia will ensure a continued supply of The Africa Range. Though it is definitely not a renewable resource, the high percentage of usable material removed from natural stone quarries limits the impact on our environment. Natural Stone Counters Jacksonville

 Unike most quarried or mined materials being removed from our earth, natural stone has a relatively low impact on our environment. The extraction process does not require the use of any chemicals. Only water is used at quarry sites to cool and lubricate diamond abrasives to cut the stone. Natural stone quarries do not produce toxic waste piles which can pollute the surrounding environment. Natural Stone Counters Savannah

 Because of the low impact that quarrying natural stone has on our environment, it has become one of many products that are used in projects that obtain LEED certification.  LEED, a voluntary program established by the U.S. Green Building Council, sets environmentally friendly construction guidelines for sustainable and energy-efficient buildings. Natural Stone Counters Savannah

 All manufactured or processed materials we use in our homes adversely affect our global and local environments. The best we can do is to choose products which have the least detrimental affects on our surroundings. Natural stone is the natural choice. Granite Countertops in Alpharetta

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